Here are a handful of the score we will perform (click to see a preview).
The Lost World (1925)
The original stop-frame dinosaur pic.
Music based on the music of J.S. Zamecnik
Cinderella (1922)
An animated classic
Music based on the music of Percy Pitt
Thrilling Romance (1927)
A brilliant comedy by a forgotten comic genius, Wanda Wiley
Music based on themes by Franz Schubert
Suspense (1913)
Groundbreaking thriller.
Music based on themes by Harry Norton’s Photoplay music.
A House Divided (1913)
Alice Guy Marche invents the sitcom.
Music by Mae Brahe, May Aufdeheide, Claribel, and Helen Hopekirk.
A Fool and His Money (1913)
The first movie with an all-African American cast.
Music based on pieces by Scott Joplin.